The strength of submission. There's nothing like it.



Dear generous gentleman,

Money is a powerful aphrodisiac, and for Me, it's more than just a means to an end. It's a symbol of power, of freedom, and of the possibilities that lie ahead. When I think of you - My financial supporter - My heart skips a beat. The knowledge that you're invested in My well-being, that you're dedicated to providing for Me, ignites a fire deep within Me.

Your contributions to My life are more than just transactions; they're gestures of love, of care, and of devotion. Every time you support Me - whether it's to help Me reach My personal goals, to fuel My passion for fitness, or to simply make My daily life more comfortable - you're not just giving Me money; you're giving Me a sense of security, of stability, and of excitement.

Your generosity is a delicious indulgence - one that I savour and exploit to My fullest pleasure. The knowledge that you're willing to go above and beyond to make Me happy, to put a smile on My face, and to see the excitement in My eyes is a turn-on like no other. It's a reminder that I'm not just a Dominatrix, but a Woman who is desired, appreciated, and cherished.

As you send Me your secret gifts, I can only imagine the anticipation that builds up inside you. The notification that I've received your present must be a thrilling moment - a time when your heart pounds with excitement, hoping that I'll share My joy with the world. The thought of being the "someone special" who has made Me happy must be a truly exhilarating experience.

But it's not just about the gifts themselves; it's about the thought, the effort, and the love that goes into selecting something you know I'll treasure. It's about the desire to be the best, to be the leading example for others to follow, and to prove that you're a man of your word.

As My financial benefactor, you're not just supporting My lifestyle - you're investing in My happiness. Through your generous support, I am able to pursue My passions, explore My desires, and live life on My own terms. Rest assured, I am grateful, but make no mistake - this is a partnership, and you are rewarded for your devotion with My attention and affection. I am eternally grateful.

So, dear generous gentleman, I want you to know that your contributions are appreciated, cherished, and desired. I want you to know that you're not just a financial supporter, but a partner in My journey - a companion in My exploration of freedom, pleasure, and desire.

Together, let's create a world where money is not just a means to an end, but a symbol of our love, our passion, and our commitment to each other. Let's show the world what it means to be in a relationship where generosity, love, and desire come together in perfect harmony.

a close up of a bunch of flowers

Before submitting your request, please note that brief or superficial responses will not be considered. I expect thoughtful and detailed answers that demonstrate your genuine interest in exploring a connection with me.

One-word answers or lack of effort will result in your submission being discarded. I value honesty and sincerity, and I expect the same from you.

If you're willing to put in the time and thought to introduce yourself properly, I'll consider your submission. Otherwise, please don't waste your time or Mine.


1. Fill in the Booking form below, and await My response.
2. Whilst waiting for My reply, View My diary for My availability. Note a few dates & times that suit you.
3. Make sure to read the Details for the Service(s) you require.